
Template tags for polymorphic

The polymorphic_formset_tags Library

Added in version 1.1.

To render formsets in the frontend, the polymorphic_tags provides extra filters to implement HTML rendering of polymorphic formsets.

The following filters are provided;

  • {{ formset|as_script_options }} render the data-options for a JavaScript formset library.

  • {{ formset|include_empty_form }} provide the placeholder form for an add button.

  • {{ form|as_form_type }} return the model name that the form instance uses.

  • {{ model|as_model_name }} performs the same, for a model class or instance.

{% load i18n polymorphic_formset_tags %}

<div class="inline-group" id="{{ formset.prefix }}-group" data-options="{{ formset|as_script_options }}">
    {% block add_button %}
        {% if formset.show_add_button|default_if_none:'1' %}
            {% if formset.empty_forms %}
                {# django-polymorphic formset (e.g. PolymorphicInlineFormSetView) #}
                <div class="btn-group" role="group">
                  {% for model in formset.child_forms %}
                      <a type="button" data-type="{{ model|as_model_name }}" class="js-add-form btn btn-default">{% glyphicon 'plus' %} {{ model|as_verbose_name }}</a>
                  {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                <a class="btn btn-default js-add-form">{% trans "Add" %}</a>
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {{ formset.management_form }}

    {% for form in formset|include_empty_form %}
      {% block formset_form_wrapper %}
        <div id="{{ form.prefix }}" data-inline-type="{{ form|as_form_type|lower }}" class="inline-related{% if '__prefix__' in form.prefix %} empty-form{% endif %}">
            {{ form.non_field_errors }}

            {# Add the 'pk' field that is not mentioned in crispy #}
            {% for field in form.hidden_fields %}
              {{ field }}
            {% endfor %}

            {% block formset_form %}
                {% crispy form %}
            {% endblock %}
      {% endblock %}
    {% endfor %}

The polymorphic_admin_tags Library

The {% breadcrumb_scope ... %} tag makes sure the {{ opts }} and {{ app_label }} values are temporary based on the provided {{ base_opts }}. This allows fixing the breadcrumb in admin templates:

{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% load polymorphic_admin_tags %}

{% block breadcrumbs %}
  {% breadcrumb_scope base_opts %}{{ block.super }}{% endbreadcrumb_scope %}
{% endblock %}